Sunday, December 25, 2011


My sister's daughter married
the young man with the cane
who she's been bringing around to the barbeques
since I was still living in Santa Fe
where I walked each night around the lake
talking to Martin who used to fly jets
and then worked in a flower shop


All the extra minutes on the days
are catching up to me.
I want to run
but I hold my sweat,
I can't bathe for three more days.

And I wish I didn't know
it'd be okay if you caught me.
You wouldn't even tie me up in a net,
toss me in a trunk,
or even tell me that you knew
I didn't really want to get away.


Mornings are so peaceful
when there's nothing to do
and they get inside my room

I'm under my roof like I'd be under a tree
and the walls must be a wooden fence
because there's the sun lying on my books
and my rug

and through the holes in the window screen
there's nothing between the wind
and the birds and the bed
where I'm lying down breathing


Wake up early to be with me in the morning,
I won't be back home all day.

Look at me loosening my tie
from behind your pink pajamas
with your big eyes
and folded legs

I see you sitting up in bed,
I'm too tired to stay up late.


Every time she becomes happy,
I tell her the city hurts my eyes
and she looks at the container she just closed
extra long before putting it back in her cabinet.

Instead I drive to where the houses
are built between the trees
but just as the lights from the city fade
the stars replace them, never letting me
be alone, outside in the dark.


You ask me what I do in the morning
and forgive me for not wanting to say.

It's not that my floor is covered in trash
that I walk through to get to the kitchen
and heat up a month old chicken for breakfast.

I'm afraid of how I'll feel
knowing you're watching me wake up tomorrow.


Just like I don't need to see
myself to understand my pose,
you always catch me staring at the ceiling
before you even reach the bottom floor
of your office building
where I wait and all I learn about you
when you come out of the elevator
is what you decided to wear today.